Strictly Pennine Dance Festival 2015

What is it?

The Strictly Pennine Dance Festival is a series of shows held at the Lawrence Batley Theatre to celebrate a diverse range of dance styles. It’s put on by the Pennine Sports Partnership.

When is it?

In 2015 the dates are Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th February

There are 4 shows happening over 2 nights and over 400 children take part from 40 different schools in Kirklees.

How much does it cost?

Tickets are £6 and can be bought directly from the Lawernce Batley Theatre.

Pennine Academy at Strictly Pennine Dance

Pennine Academy of Dance is proud to be supporting 2 schools at the festival in 2015.

Our principal, Helen Snowden, has been working with students at Royds Hall and Scape Juniors.


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